Friday, August 8, 2014

Barnet Beach

We went to Barnet Beach today and an almost unfortunate event occurred when one of the boaters overturned and the man was trapped in the pocket of the boat for a considerable amount of time. Fortunately 2 females swam out to help turn the boat back to its proper position and everyone was able to swim safely back to shore. The coast guard arriving to inspect the situation
Audrey flying her kite

 The Saga Horizon entering the Inlet.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fort Langley

We had an interesting day today at Fort Langley. The girls enjoyed exploring around the fort and seeing all the early day artifacts.
 Trading furs

 Transporting bales of furs

 Panning for gold and both girls found small pieces of gold.

 Sophia participated in the interactive play about James Douglas.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

BC Day

Our BC Day was a visit to the Burnaby Village Museum. It was a different scene from previous visits in that it was snowing during this visit.

 Carousel ride

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rice Lake Fishing

We went to Rice Lake today where both girls tried their luck at fishing.

 Water rides

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Lonsdale Quay

After shopping at Capilano Mall, we went for lunch at Lonsdale Quay. The afternoon was spent at home playing in the back yard.