Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Weekend

Casey and Audrey went to Regina for Easter weekend to visit with Michael and family. We celebrated 3 birthdays. Audrey's birthday gift - Pandora bracelet. Michael and Sebastian's birthday gift - a telescope.

A short stroll in snowy weather

 Decorating Easter treats
Angry Birds - homemade style.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Skiing

Here is what spring skiing is all about. Complementary hamburgers and a great view of Vancouver.

 The snow is melting fast.

Spring Break

Casey and Audrey went to Houston to visit Allison and family for Spring Break. Getting ready to cycle around the block.

A trip to the museum where there was a dinosaur display. Here is an armidillo .

 Houston Rodeo.

 Pretending to be a ghost.
 Casey showed Sophia how to do Sudoku puzzles.

 A trip to Gavelston